Saturday, April 16, 2022

Power of 30 Ingredients Laddu/ Fudge


Giving nutritious food to family has always been my priority. With exams round the corner, she burns the night lamp and has a lot of pressure on her brain. A late night snacking to stay motivated besides being healthy is a good thought. So I made these yummy and power packed laddus and squares. These not only have natural sugars which keep the sugar craving satisfied but are high on all the nutrition that one needs. Much healthier and better than any store bought. You can add the ingredients of your choice depending on allergies and liking. If you like laddus then the moisture should be less otherwise for a fudge like feeling you can adjust the thickness. This has 30 ingredients! So 2 portions a day will be wonderful for keeping cravings away and giving the required goodness. 


List 1- Almonds-200 gms ,Cashews- 50 gms ,Walnuts-200 gms, pistachios 25 gms, peanuts 100 gms, coconut 200 gms, pumpkin seeds 100 gms, sunflower seeds 100 gms 

List 2- Sesame 100 gms , flax 50 gms, halim seeds 25 gms, chia 50 gms, poppy seeds 25 gms ,  basil seeds 25 gms

List 3- Fenugreek 2 tbsp, ajwain 1 tbsp, peppercorns 2 tbsp 

List 4- Turmeric 3-4 tbsp, nutmeg 1 tsp , cinnamon 1 tsp

List 5- Dates 200 gms, raisins 50 gms, dried figs 6-8, dried dates 200 gms, jaggery 50 gms and raw sugar( if you like) as desired

Ghee- 100 gms

Edible gum 100 gms

Brahmi powder 4 tbsp  

Cardamom powder/ saffron if desired


1. Heat 1 tbsp ghee and sauté gum on medium heat to puff up  add more ghee if needed. Remove and keep aside.  

2. In a huge pan add all the list 1 ingredients and sauté on low heat. Add a little ghee if you like. About 10 mins later add list 2 ingredients. These are smaller and hence need less time to sauté. Sauté everything till they get crunchy and golden.

3. Add ajwain, methi/fenugreek, peppercorns in a pan.Sauté on low heat & remove. Add these to the sautéed nuts. 

4. Pressure cook the dried dates, dates and dried figs so that they are soft. Now deseed the dates and mash. Add jaggery and raw sugar and make a think paste. Now make a purée and keep to cool. 

5. Add the gum, list 3 ings, list 4 ings together and grind in a course powder. 

6. Mix brahmi powder to this seed mix. Add the purée of the sweet mix. Add raisins and cardamom powder/ saffron. Mix well. It’s hard to mix. Depending on how dry you like, you can adjust the thickness of the syrup. The quantity of sugar can be changed as per need. Since it’s natural sugar, it is really nice even if it’s sweeter. 

7. Less syrup can just be mixed with hands and then sharped into balls. These are drier and hence have a long shelf life. Less sweeter too. 

8. If you like to add more syrup and make them like fudge, add thinner syrup and start cooking on low heat. It takes time and looks very difficult to come together but keep cooking till it starts to firm up a bit. Add ghee and cook. You can take a little ball and see if it’s coming together like a thick fudge. Pour this on a greased butter paper sheet and spread well. Press with a greased spatula and make it into a nice uniform sheet. Keep to cool overnight before cutting. 

9. Cut into desired shapes. This keeps well outside too but if you are not sure, refrigerate and heat a little in microwave to relish. 

10. 2 portions a day with warm milk can give you so much energy and kills all the sweet cravings. It also gives long satiety due to the rich ingredients. 

Extra notes- 

1. Turmeric and pepper are a powder house together. Ajwain and fenugreek are good for digestion. Due to stress level or lack of exercise, this helps. 

2. Brahmi is wonderful for the brain. Hence I grow it at my home too and try to eat them each day. Hence added a little to this for added benefit. 

3. If you do not have ghee, use unsalted butter.

4. Halim seeds/ watercress seeds are strong in taste. Hence added just enough. It’s an acquired taste. They are great in iron and very good for periods and hair. 

5. Edible gum is great to give energy and good for bones. In India it’s given to elderly in winters, new moms and to active kids in winters. 

6. In India you get very dry dates, these need to be cooked well so that you can grind. I also added date paste that is available here. Add the sugar as desired.

7. Feel free to omit ingredients you can’t have, get or don’t have in your kitchen. These taste good even if few ingredients are missing. In over 30 ingredients, few missing won’t hurt. 

Monday, February 28, 2022

Chilies, garlic, ginger pickle (Instant)

One pickle that never fails to impress, emus easy and lifts up any dish is green chili pickle. I love making it as it’s easy and doesn’t need too many ingredients. Best is you can relish it with any cuisine and use with rice, wraps or our indian bread! Spread it on a toast or use as a sharp kick in a sandwich. Sharing this healthy and happy recipe. You can put adjust the ginger and garlic according to choice. At times i just put equal quantities of each to make it different. It’s easy and high on taste.


200 Good morning green chilies 

50 gms cleaned ginger 

3 bulbs garlic, cleaned 

2 large lemons 

1/4 cup oil of choice(mustard oil makes it pungent)

3 tbsp salt

1 tsp turmeric 

1 tsp roasted and ground coarse methi 

3 tbsp roasted and ground mustard seeds

1 tbsp ready made pickle masala 


1. Coarsely crush the ginger, chilies and garlic in a processor. I find this easy and also it adds character to it. 

2. Put all the spices and salt. Mix well. 

3. Add the oil and lemon juice. Mix well and keep aside. 

4. Cover and keep tossing for the next 24 hours. This helps the water to be released, spices to be absorbed and also the mustard to absorb the water. 

5. Adjust seasoning and taste. Bottle them and eat with EVERYTHING you are relishing. 

6. Use really hot chilies since as the days go by, it gets milder on spice. 

Friday, February 25, 2022

Beetroot pachadi

Beetroots are a rich source of nutrients and one should try and use them in daily diet. This was on my wish list for long. Flavorful and very healthy, it tastes great just the way it is or with rice too. Flavored with coconut, curry leaves and mustard seeds, it’s very satisfying. Try this recipe from South India. 


5 beetroots medium size 

1-1.5 cups yoghurt 

1/2 cup coconut grated( I used flakes) 

2 green chilies 

1 tsp mustard seeds

1/2 tsp cumin 

1 tbsp roughly chopped ginger 


Curry leaves

2 tbsp oil 

1/2 tsp mustard seeds for tempering 

Chili powder optional 


1. Boil the beetroots but keep it a little firm. Cook and chop into small pieces. Or grate through large grater. 

2. Put coconut, chilies. Ginger, cumin, mustard seeds and few curry leaves in a blender and grind to a paste. 

3. Heat the chopped beetroots and add paste. Cover and cook for 2-3 mins. Cool  

4. Add beaten yoghurt to this and keep aside. Add water if you like to adjust consistency. 

5. Heat oil, add mustard seeds. Let them splutter. Add chopped curry leaves. I added red chili powder for extra punch and color. Pour over the curry. Sir and relish with rice. 

Kasundi (Bengali mustard chutney)

Kasundi is a mustard based sauce that comes from Bengal. It’s also eaten in Bihar. Lots of versions are there by adding tomatoes and raw mangoes. I just wanted a basic one and here it is. Strong and delicious. It can go with so many dishes. Mixed with boiled potatoes, green veggies, eaten with spring rolls or fried snacks. Endless options. It’s healthy too as it has garlic and mustard. Both have medicinal qualities. 


4-5 tbsp mustard seeds (soaked in water for 2-4 hours)

4-5 tbsp garlic chopped 

2-3 green chillies (I used red ones)

2-3 tbsp mustard oil 


Turmeric( optional) 


2-3 tbsp apple cider vinegar


1. Grind all the ingredients together till it comes together as a paste. 

2. Mix mustard oil and water as needed. 

3. It’s ready to eat, but tastes better as it ages. 

4. Serve with every possible thing! I plan to eat with savory waffles. 

Mix veggie sesame open sandwich

A wonderful lunch recipe, a snack or even a dinner idea with soup. Enjoy the healthy and delicious recipe which never fails to impress.

1 large potato boiled & mashed 

1 cup chopped beans, carrots, bell peppers 

1/4 cup peas

1 chopped onion 

1/2 tsp chopped garlic 

1 chopped chili 

1 tbsp oil 


1/4 tsp Chili powder 

1/2 tsp turmeric 

1 tsp coriander powder 

1 tsp any kebab/paneer masala

1/2 tsp amchoor/lemon juice 

2 tbsp coriander powder 

Sesame seeds 


Bread slices 


1. Heat oil, add chopped chili and garlic. Sauté. Add onions and cook till golden. 

2. Add the chopped vegetables, salt and turmeric. Cover to cook well. Add the spices, sauté. Put in the potato and mix well. 

3.Put the amchoor or lemon juice and coriander leaves. Mix well and topping is ready. 

4. Apply butter on bread, spread a bit of the filling. Sprinkle sesame seeds. 

5. Heat butter on a skillet, put the sesame side and cook on medium heat till golden. 

6. Turn over and cook till crisp on the other side. 

7. Serve hot with chutney and ketchup. Delicious and healthy. 

Brüsselsprouts Poriyal (coconut)


500 gms brüsselsprouts cleaned,cut into halves

2 chopped green chilies 

1 tbsp chopped curry leaves 

1 tbsp chana dal 

1 tbsp urad dal


1 tsp mustard seeds 

1/2 tsp haldi/turmeric 

1/2 tsp chili powder 

2 tbsp oil 


1/4 cup Coconut flakes

Lemon juice 

Coriander leaves chopped 


1. Heat oil and add the mustard seeds and hing. Let them pop. 

2. Add the dals/lentils. And let them color brown. 

3. Add the leaves and green chilies. Sauté. 

4. Put in the spices and salt. 

5. Now add the Brüsselsprouts and mix. 

6. Cover and cook until soft yet not squishy(5-7 mins). Let them remain slightly crunchy. 

7. Now sprinkle coconut flakes and toss well. 

8. Pour lemon juice and let it just stay a little in the wok. 

9. Sprinkle coriander leaves and mix. Serve hot with rice as a side dish. Tastes good even cold. We love it with rice and dal/lentils. 

PS: if you do not have curry leaves, dals/lentils or coriander leaves it’s still fine. You can add peanuts instead of dals/lentils. 

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Ingi Thokku - ginger pickle


South Indian food has its unique healthy blends and very strong flavors. I have always loved the blend and mix of flavors in the cuisine. Every time I make south Indian food, our appetite grows much more. Pickles have a special mention whenever I make this cuisine. Any new vegetable I try in my overseas stay I always try it through the south Indian flavors. I have tried to pickle many vegetables. The inspiration comes from the variety, the taste and the strong aroma. It’s simple yet you can’t ignore the cuisine and can easily get addicted. I had a lot of ginger at home and since ginger is wonderful for digestion as well as is great in winters,  I thought I should try making this pickle . I hope you all will enjoy this and try it out. Mixed with rice, dosas or idlis,  it’s a sure heart warming and exciting addition to the plate. 


250 gms strong ginger washed, scraped and chopped roughly  

8-10 green chilies( reduce of you like)

1 head of garlic chopped roughly 

2-3 tbsp chopped curry leaves (blends better)

1/2 cup oil (sesame best, I use what is around)

1/4 tsp hing

1 tbsp mustard seeds

1 tbsp each urad & chana dal( optional)

2 tbsp jaggery 

2 walnut size tamarind made into pulp in hot water 

1/2 cup chopped tomatoes or purée 

Salt ( we need a lot to give long shelf life) 

1 tsp turmeric

3 tbsp roasted mustard powder 

1 tsp roasted methi/fenugreek seeds crushed


1. Heat oil and add hing and mustard seeds. Let them pop. 

2. Add dals and sauté till golden. Add curry leaves and let them color. (Love this aroma)

3. In a chopper, add ginger and chilies and roughly chop them fine. Not a paste though. Finely chopped. 

4. Add the garlic to the oil and let them get golden. 

5. Put in the ginger and the spices. Cover and cook on low heat to release the water. Do not add any water. 

6. Add the tomatoes and tamarind pulp and cook again till it starts to release the oil. 

7. Add the jaggery and cover to cook again. It helps to balance the sharpness of the ginger. 

8. Add more oil if needed. Keep cooking till the oil starts to seep out and the ginger is cooked. 

9. There should not be any water as it helps to keep longer shelf life. 

10. As it ages the spice gets lesser. So don’t stress if it’s too spicy. Adjust the spice and salt to taste. Enjoy this in winters with idli, dosa, ghee rice or with porridge. Taste great with everything. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Orange,almond and raisin cake


 Oranges are not just good source of vitamin C but also lift the spirits with their aroma. The color is beautiful and it just quenches the thirst in a most beautiful way. I wanted to use the beautiful luscious clementines are in season and I wanted to use them to get more flavors and move away from just chocolate cakes. This tastes great with fresh cream and a cup of black coffee. Do try this recipe. It’s not overtly sweet and is a great mood lifter  it also doesn’t leave you feeling heavy! Qualifies on many levels  


3 clementines/ oranges 

1/2 cup chopped almonds 

1/2 cup raisins 

2 cups all purpose flour 

1 cup sugar 

1/2 cup oil 

1 cup evaporated milk/ regular milk 

2 tsp baking powder 

Pinch of baking soda 

1 tbsp vinegar 

Orange juice to adjust consistency 

Almond flakes for the top 


1. Wash oranges and pressure cook for 30 mins without cutting them. Or cook on slow heat for about 45 mins if you don’t have a pressure cooker. Cool  

2. Peel oranges and then scrape off the white pith from the peel. Take out any seeds and then put everything into a blender and purée them. 

3. Put the oranges, oil, milk, sugar and beat well. 

4. Add the flour and chopped almond and adjust the consistency with more milk or orange juice if needed. 

5. Add the baking powder and baking soda  mix slowly. Put the vinegar and fold well  

6. Pour into a greased baking dish that’s lined with butter paper. Sprinkle the raisins and swirl a bit. Sprinkle the almond flakes on top generously. 

7. Put into a preheated oven at 200 deg C till it is golden brown and is baked evenly. 

8. Keep your cool overnight so that the flavors blend well. It tastes better next day. 

9. Sprinkle with icing sugar and serve with black coffee and fresh cream.